Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beginning to Final Presentation!

I used the website for my State of the Project presentation, so I wanted to try and venture out a little bit with the options given to us. The first thing I tried was making my own website on I found this website hard to maneuver because I don’t really consider myself “technologically savvy.” It had a lot of dragging and pressing different buttons and I just found myself getting very frustrated. I feel like a good thing about is that a website would be something different and unique, versus just a regular poster board or PowerPoint. I found that using Prezi presentations was a lot easier for me because it felt more like I was constructing a PowerPoint. As of right now, I am either going to stick with SlideRocket or try doing Prezi for my final presentation in class! Here is the link to what I have so far on Prezi. 


  1. Whitney,
    I also tried making my own website, but I used Wix instead of Weebly. Wix was pretty cool and from what I've seen so far pretty easy to use. So if you still want to try creating a website I would suggest that.
    I really wanted to use Sliderocket for my powerpoint, but it won't let anyone new sign up, so I'm stuck with boring Microsoft Powerpoint because Prezi was confusing to me. Your Prezi so far looks good, so maybe you can show me how to use it a little more in class next time.

  2. I completely agree with you. I found Weebly diificult to navigate, but it would be a creative way to give a presentation. I liked Prezi much more because I believe it is easy to use. Also, it provides many tools to create an interesting presentation. I have never used SlideRocket, but I will try to use it one day.
