Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Final Blog Post

My research question is: Did the events of Adolf Hitler’s childhood psychologically affect his ability to make rational decisions pertaining to the German people during World War II?

My argument: I do believe that Adolf Hitler's childhood had a major impact on the decisions that he made. My evidence supports that the treatment from both his mother and father as a child, greatly affected his life as a man. I do believe that no "sane" person could commit such a terrible act as the Holocaust.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Beginning to Final Presentation!

I used the website for my State of the Project presentation, so I wanted to try and venture out a little bit with the options given to us. The first thing I tried was making my own website on I found this website hard to maneuver because I don’t really consider myself “technologically savvy.” It had a lot of dragging and pressing different buttons and I just found myself getting very frustrated. I feel like a good thing about is that a website would be something different and unique, versus just a regular poster board or PowerPoint. I found that using Prezi presentations was a lot easier for me because it felt more like I was constructing a PowerPoint. As of right now, I am either going to stick with SlideRocket or try doing Prezi for my final presentation in class! Here is the link to what I have so far on Prezi. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I don’t believe that the concept of plagiarism is changing; it is more that it is becoming easier to plagiarize. The definition of plagiarism will always be the same but more access to online articles and journals is making it easy for us to take other people’s ideas and words. I think that you would not be able to tell if it was plagiarism if you took an idea from friends or family for a paper or speech you are writing. They would not be able to tell if it were plagiarism, especially if the teacher or professor had never met your friend that you got the idea from. I know of several incidents where there was not necessarily any flagrant plagiarism, the professor just saw too many similar ideas and thoughts throughout the paper amongst the class. I know that some cases of plagiarism are pretty much obvious but I would hate to have to be the one to decide if someone was plagiarizing!


I don’t believe that the concept of plagiarism is changing; it is more that it is becoming easier to plagiarize. The definition of plagiarism will always be the same but more access to online articles and journals is making it easy for us to take other people’s ideas and words. I think that you would not be able to tell if it was plagiarism if you took an idea from friends or family for a paper or speech you are writing. They would not be able to tell if it were plagiarism, especially if the teacher or professor had never met your friend that you got the idea from. I know of several incidents where there was not necessarily any flagrant plagiarism, the professor just saw too many similar ideas and thoughts throughout the paper amongst the class. I know that some cases of plagiarism are pretty much obvious but I would hate to have to be the one to decide if someone was plagiarizing!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Citations for my helpful sources!

Research Question: Did the events of Adolf Hitler’s childhood psychology affect his ability to make rational decisions pertaining to the German people during World War II.
These are two of my sources that I have found particularly useful when researching my topic!

T.L. Brink. “ The Case of Hitler: An Alderian Perspective on Psychohistory.” Journal of Individual Psychology 31.1 (1975). Psychology and Behavorial Sciences Collection. Web. 2 Apr. 2013.

Hughes, Matthew and Chris Mann. Inside Hitler’s Germany: Life Under the Third Reich. New York: MJF, 2000. Print.