Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blog Homework 3/14

Today I looked through different databases on Galileo and found one that stood out in particular. I was trying to find a database that dealt more with the psychological side of my research topic rather than the historical side.  There were a few different psychology based databases but the best one for my research topic was the Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. When searching on this database I used the key words Adolf Hitler and childhood. The very first article and actually the only article on this database pertaining to my topic that came up was incredibly useful to my research topic, the name of it was “The Case of Adolf Hitler: An Adlerian Perspective on Psychohistory.”  This article is exactly what I have been looking for because it is so specific to my research topic. I have yet to find something that had what I was looking for in one article, I have been putting together bits and pieces from different articles in order to properly address my question.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Social Media

When searching using I did not find anything specific that would help me with my research topic. I found a few pictures of Adolf Hitler at all different ages but that does not really help me specifically with my topic. When I searched on Facebook all I found were pages that people made about Adolf Hitler, most all of them were “fan pages” and had no useful information that I could use. I found that I could click on Web results on Facebook when I searched something but that ultimately gave me the same information I already have.  I did not find useful for my research topic either. On the interests page when you first sign up there was no interest for history, and the pages that came up for psychology were mostly games and IQ quizzes, which had nothing to do with my topic whatsoever. I have found that researching my topic on social media websites will most likely not be successful because my topic is mainly a history related topic. I don’t really take part in a lot of social media websites, besides blogging for this class I mainly use Facebook for personal activities.